by YPs | Jul 1, 2023 | YPs In Missions
This morning, I uploaded the first part of this gist here. Quickly catch up if you missed out on it so that you can have really soft landing on this one 🙂 Before I go on, I want to sound the long read alert. Loooool. You’d be done before you know it though 🙂 And also...
by YPs | Jul 1, 2023 | YPs In Missions
I had planned to travel down to Lagos from my current work station in Abuja on Wednesday night but it didn’t work out. I had some challenges at work that didn’t allow me travel that day. I was very pained because the group I was to travel with were to leave on...
by YPs | Jul 1, 2023 | YPs In Missions
Life is a trust. Everything that is given to us on this earth is a resource loaned to us by God and God expects faithfulness of us. Hence, life is a trust – God’s resources entrusted to our care. This includes our time, qualifications, talents, resources, and so...
by YPs | May 26, 2023 | YPs In Missions
My very first Young Professionals (YPs) In Missions trip was in April 2019. I had joined the YPs for a bit before then however, I had not been opportune to go for one. I recall being very excited and expectant for the first trip. I believe every believer is called to...
by YPs | May 25, 2023 | YPs In Missions
Honestly, if I was to document every single act that was done, I would not be able to write it all – and even if I was, you may not be able to read it all. So I decided to streamline to major highlights and things that stood out for me on the trip. The first major...