We Are

Young Professionals

We love the Lord and we are passionate about spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Who Are


We Are A Group Of Young Professionals
From Different Walks Of Life Who Love God
And Are Passionate About Missions.



To Build A Network Of Young Professionals Who Consistently Give To Missions Projects, Go To Mission Fields And Groan For Missions Work In The 10/40 Window

Who Are


We Are A Group Of Young Professionals
From Different Walks Of Life Who Love God
And Are Passionate About Missions.



To Build A Network Of Young Professionals Who Consistently Give To Missions Projects, Go To Mission Fields And Groan For Missions Work In The 10/40 Window

What We Do

We Groan

Engage people to pray everyday for unreached people groups and the work of missions worldwide

We Give

Partner With Us Towards Church Planting And Other Projects On The Mission’s Field


Account Name: YPs in Missions

Account Number: 9981034817


We Go

Mobilize 100 Young Professionals To Visit Mission Fields Annually

Our Blog

My Very First Young Professionals (YPs) In Missions Trip

My very first Young Professionals (YPs) In Missions trip was in April 2019. I had joined the YPs for a bit before then however, I had not been opportune to go for one. I recall being very excited and expectant for the first trip. I believe every believer is called to...

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My First Mission Trip

My First Mission Trip

Honestly, if I was to document every single act that was done, I would not be able to write it all – and even if I was, you may not be able to read it all. So I decided to streamline to major highlights and things that stood out for me on the trip. The first major...

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