My very first Young Professionals (YPs) In Missions trip was in April 2019. I had joined the YPs for a bit before then however, I had not been opportune to go for one. I recall being very excited and expectant for the first trip. I believe every believer is called to evangelism and to do the work of Missions. The bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 that we have been given the ministry of reconciliation whereby God through us is reconciling the world to Himself. I mean, there is a reason why God doesn’t just rapture us once we believe the gospel. It is because He doesn’t want us to come empty-handed. God would have us bring along with us many more to heaven. Hence, evangelism is not just for pastors or ‘evangelists’ In fact, we are all evangelists! Now I understand that not all of us can be missionaries to the unreached parts of the earth because in the body of Christ we all have a role to play. However, we all must be involved in one way or the other. The YPs in Missions trip opened my eyes to see many ways that I could partner with the missionaries in these remote places while pushing the gospel within my community.
Back to my trip, so much happened on that first trip that changed my mindset forever. First, I got to bond with the amazing brothers and sisters I have in YPs. It was a long road trip so we had enough time to bond and laugh and share and encourage one another. Also, my faith was challenged greatly when I heard testimonies of the missionaries and also the local converts in that field. A lot happened on the trip but I would share one memorable bit. On day 2 of our trip, we paid a visit to one of the converts there. She was an elderly woman and was formerly a high priest of the village deity. She used to be so feared among the people because she was essentially the chief priest – the medium between the village gods and the people. However, something terrible began to happen to her. One by one, her children started to die. At first, she thought, “Oh let me sacrifice some more to my gods!” But they kept dying anyway. Then, the rumors began – that she was killing and eating up her children. She could not understand it. She had been faithful to these ‘gods’ all her youth and they still could not save her children from dying. At this point, she was left a few of her children and another had fallen sick, the same way those who died fell sick. She was in despair. She offered more sacrifices and yet, the child would not get well. One fateful day, a Christian brother having heard all that was happening visited her from outside the village and told her about the gospel and the saving power of Jesus Christ. She asked him, “Can you Jesus heal my child? Can He stop the angel of death from ravaging my home?” The brother replied, “Yes, and even beyond that, He can save you forever” Having heard that she said to “If you Jesus would save my child, I would serve Him forever!” The brother led her to Christ and together, they prayed for the child. Glory to GOD! The child became well to the shame of the devil and the amazement of the other villagers. Everyone had written off this child but we all know that what God cannot do does not exist!
Since that day, she turned her back on the other gods and served Jesus with all her heart. She not only renounced the gods, but she also made a public spectacle of them, burning all their accessories and bolding declaring Jesus in that village. Many attempts were made to silence her but because of her history, nobody dared to attack her. She was the Christian convert in that community but slowly and surely, many including some of the other people who served as priests to the deity were turned to the Lord!
I remember having tears in my eyes as I beheld in the flesh what the power of God can do. It has been decades of years since this happened and the church in that village is waxing stronger every day. I was also privileged to fellowship with them the Sunday before we left and once again, I wept! Never had I experienced such joy of salvation, such peace even when physically, they didn’t have a lot, such devotion to God! I was truly challenged but what stood out the most for me was how the story to that woman reminded me of Romans 10:14 – “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?..”
If that brother had not preached to this woman, how would have heard? And if she had not heard, how would she have believed? If she had not believed, how would she have been saved and used by God for the salvation of many others in that community?
The gospel got to us today because some people like that brother went and told the story of Jesus. Brethren, every one of us has the responsibility to do the same. Someone once said, if anyone goes to hell today, God would not be blamed because He has done all that there is for Him to do. It is now left to us, the children of God on this earth to ensure nobody suffers eternal damnation because Jesus has paid the ultimate price! They have to perish anymore and we need to take this message to them urgently so that they know that someone has died in their place and so, they don’t have to die again. This trip opened my eyes to how we all have a part to play. You can support a missionary today with your resources, prayers, time and that missionary preaches the gospel and someone gives their life to Christ and they also preach the gospel to others, and like that – we continue reconciling men back to God.
Beloved, I would like to invite you to this year’s mission trip! Because of the ongoing pandemic, it would be virtual and would be held in three locations, Yaba and Lekki in Lagos and Abuja. I do not doubt that it would be as impactful because the distance is no barrier to our God. Come listen to the amazing work that God is doing in several different missions and see how you can partner with them. I trust your heart would be stirred up as you attend. God bless you!